Whether you are a private practice therapist who feels capped with your income and are sick of back to back 1:1 sessions OR an overworked therapist struggling to hit your income goal.
I have a proven solution that has worked for hundreds of therapists to help more people and make more money... with ONE high ticket online group coaching offer!
Be a part of the fastest growing community exclusively for therapists
You are burnt out from back-to-back 1:1 sessions and feel your income is capped.
You are sick of fighting with insurance companies to get paid less than your worth
You are tired of clients expecting you to be cheap or covered by their co-pays
Your schedule is packed but you’re accepting every possible client under the sun because it’s the only way you know how to bring in more money
You are feeling hopeless and confused with your ability to grow in your business but know you have so much to offer to this world.
You are sacrificing your time you’d rather spend with family and friends
You are healing the world, but your very own health is suffering because you don’t have time for selfcare
You are stressed out and scared that you’ll be stuck in this hamster wheel for forever.
Getting paid for your knowledge not your time
Being the CEO of your own business with a proven system and strategy that’s sustainable
Clients ready, willing, and eager to invest in your program knowing it’s going to transform their life
Accepting only your perfect fit clients that light you up to work with
Being able to work from anywhere in the world with a $ky's the limit mindset
Feeling like your healthiest self because you actually have time for yourself, family, and friends
Feeling more fulfilled than ever knowing that you are helping more people than you’ve ever been able to
Embodying freedom in every area of your life.
Well fellow therapist, what I just described to you can be achieved through coaching.
Now, I know what you may be thinking..
I used to roll my eyes at coaches too, thinking everyone and their mom is a coach, and they were just wanna-be therapists.
It wasn’t because they went off and got a life coaching certification.
The news flash is...adding coaching is a bonus identity and the best way to 3x your income without adding more clinical hours.
I’m Carly Hill. I’m an LCSW, Certified Life & Success Coach, Certified NLP and TIMELINE therapy practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, author, and reiki master.
I’m obsessed with helping clinicians make money while they do the healing work they were born to do. It’s something all healers deserve.
I’ve worked in community mental health, brick and mortar therapy offices, contract telehealth jobs, and had my own successful private practice.
Every single one of these jobs was a one way ticket to burnout..yes even my successful private practice.
They weren’t sustainable and if you're anything like me it won’t be sustainable for you either.
Why start now?
Therapists moving into coaching are at the forefront of success.
Congratulations for being an early adapter if this is you.
Coaching is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world & expected to reach $20 Billion in market size this year in 2024 More exponential growth is coming.
There is room for you always but the time to get in is now. Coaches are being used by everyone from executives to athletes, divorced parents, couples, individuals trying to lose weight, working moms,entrepreneurs, job-seekers and the list goes on.
So what do you say?
The Therapist to Coach Accelerator™ program gives you all the strategy, framework, feedback, accountability and support you need to create your coaching program and successful business. It’s the complete A-Z process to develop and launch your signature coaching program.
Copyright © 2025 Carly Hill Coaching LLC. All Rights Reserved